"Alta added immense value to both streams of work and in a relatively short space of time is deemed a key stakeholder in the success of these projects."
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Bruce Toerien, Managing Director - Adcorp Group Training Division
Spotlight: Adcorp Group – Training Division
Managing Director - Adcorp Group Training Division: Bruce Toerien
The problem
Two primary areas of disruption were being experienced. Firstly the Group had a void in financial leadership in the Training Division and secondly required senior financial input as part of a project team for the implementation of a new ERP system.

The solution
Alta filled the gaps we had seamlessly and with the dedication of a seasoned business executive. She does not “shout from the rooftops” but quickly understands the challenges at hand and is pragmatic in getting on with and creating solutions.
Alta Van Heerden is action orientated, deliberate and methodical. She has added immense value to both streams of work and in a relatively short space of time is deemed a key stakeholder in the success of these projects.
Her intellect and financial astuteness has assisted in creating environments that are organised and poised to sustain themselves in an efficient manner.

A 'thank you' to my CFO.
"Alta you have been exceptional! You filled the gaps we had, seamlessly." Bruce Toerien
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