You Grow -
We Source Your Funding
"Growth is the evidence of a life lived - funding is the life blood."
Our superstar FDs & CFOs can work part-time – remotely or at your premises – to help you increase cash, profit, and valuation, freeing you from the burden of day-to-day operations.
Funding is just one of the 12 building blocks of a world class finance function.
Take our Scale-Up and Exit Business Assessment and download a free report. Discover how close you are to maximising your business value.
Your own money
You may choose never to borrow money, preferring to rely upon your own resources. This may yield a slower growth trajectory but will give you more control.
Friends and family
You could seek investment from the people closest to you – people who trust your motivation and commitment to your project. This is particularly true in the early stages of business development.
Business angels
These are often high net worth individuals who seek to get involved early on in a project, investing their own money in return for equity.
Venture capital
Pooled investment funds that use investors’ money to go in search of equity stakes in early or mid-stage businesses.
Private equity
These tend to invest in more established companies, streamlining operations for rapid growth.
Initial Public Offering (IPO)
This is usually a big step for companies with ambitious plans. Your company will be publicly listed and shares can be bought and traded by the public.
This takes many forms. Most commonly it involves a large number of private investors taking an equity stake in your business, or small-scale investors who do not necessarily expect a commercial return.
Enterprise Investment Scheme
EIS and SEIS are UK schemes designed to help smaller, high risk trading companies raise finance by offering tax relief to investors who purchase new shares.
Bank overdraft
A ‘traditional’ option for many businesses. Fees and interest can be higher than other options and you may be limited in terms of your capacity to borrow.
Debt finance or loans
A very common form of lending requiring repayments over a fixed period with an agreed rate of interest. Lenders invariably require security over the company’s assets, as well as personal guarantees.
Asset financing
Usually used for funding fixed assets such as machinery, vehicles and equipment. The asset usually acts as security, protecting the lender.
Trade finance
Here, money is advanced to allow companies to purchase goods before they are sold. The lender uses the goods purchased as security.
Peer to Peer
Peer to Peer enables numerous small investors to loan money directly to a business for an agreed interest rate over a fixed term.
Invoice discounting
You effectively sell your outstanding business invoices to a third party in exchange for expedited cash flow.
It’s not just about funding…
To scale fast, increase valuation and escape the routine of day-to-day operations you need to consider each of the 12 building blocks of a world class finance function. These include:
What next?
Let us take ownership of your finance function so you can spend your time doing what you really want to do...
Tell us what you really want for your business and life and let's discuss the plan to actually make it happen.
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