This is the second in a series of interviews where principals from The CFO Centre explain some of the work they do and how they guide their clients to make better business decisions. In this article, Sabine Walker, Operations Director at Halls Properties discusses how business coaching has helped her grow.
With Sabine Walker, the Operations Director of Halls Properties
Having an experienced Business Coach like Matthew Comins from The CFO Centre has been an integral part of my professional development and I would like to share why I believe that business coaching can be a game-changer for professionals.
I have enjoyed a very diverse career path; I started off in Executive Administration, then worked in Quality Control and Compliance, later moving into Town Planning and Development Management, and now I hold the position of Operations Director for Halls Properties.
When moving into this newly appointed role as the Operations Director in January, I initially felt that whilst I’ve been exposed to the financial side of business, it was not part of my background and there was a clear gap in my skill-set.
As professionals, we sometimes worry about admitting we have weaknesses or vulnerabilities and that if we admit to them we might stunt our career growth, so this was a big mental hurdle for me to overcome.
I felt that I needed to take a more holistic overview to the management of the business, and that it was best to find coaching with Matthew regarding this specific field as I had worked with him previously, knew his strengths and I respected his abilities regarding the financial aspects of business.
Interestingly enough, in working with Matthew in these coaching sessions, I realised that I often knew more than I gave myself credit for. This validation gave me a wonderful confidence boost that has been critical in developing myself professionally.
Furthermore, it provided a great opportunity to discuss complex matters as Matthew was a great sounding board to engage in discourse about new strategies, implementation and potential pitfalls, etc. We can often get so caught up in operational matters that we frequently have a one-sided perspective. A fresh set of eyes was critical for me.
With mentorship and coaching, there are different needs to be addressed at different times.
With someone who is stepping up into a more general management or operational role – but who doesn’t have a financial background – this type of coaching was hugely advantageous and helped me play to my strengths.
I realised in discussions with Matthew that while I needed to acquire more knowledge and skill in terms of finance, it wasn’t necessary for me to “become the CFO” to be effective in my role.
“Have you thought about this?”
As you move up the corporate ladder or into more senior management roles inside of businesses, you are often expected to have all the answers and you’re wary of taking risks that might highlight some of your short-comings
“Have you thought about this?” was a regular question that Matthew would ask and he was able to share insights from other industries or deals that he had worked on.
This approach helped me unpack my decisions and strategic thinking without worrying I might be “wrong” and our sessions gave me the opportunity to explore my thinking in a safe environment.
This translates into a return on investment for both myself and the company.
I have been able to broaden my own thinking and by looking at strategy from different perspectives, it has improved the strategy we are rolling out in the Halls Properties business.
Business Coaching:
There is a clear difference between business and life coaching and Matthew and I shared a financial coaching relationship.
With Matthew, I approached him with a specific need and the focus was very much on elements of the business and the financial aspect of the business. I was seeking to access his years of experience and financial expertise. I was able to clarify in my role the extent of the financial expertise that I required and the expertise I sought.
The 3 absolute characteristics that I would look for in a business coach are;
- Experience: I think its fundamental for that person to be qualified and experienced at an appropriate level
- Personality match: Trust is fundamental to that relationship and there has to be the ability to speak freely.
- Chemistry: That “fit” has to be there to make it work, both parties need to be invested
What I was looking for is exactly what I received, and my sense is that anyone in a similar role to mine would benefit from the experience. I would definitely recommend to others the opportunity to tap into the vast knowledge pool available from the The CFO Centre team.
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