"De eerste weken met onze part-time CFO waren voor mezelf een verademing. Het voelde alsof er een enorme last van mijn schouders was gevallen."
Plan mijn kennismaking van 30-60 minuten
Laurence Carels, Eigenaresse
Uitgelicht: CDM Stravitec
Eigenaresse: Laurence Carels
Het probleem
CDM Stravitec develops solutions for vibration and noise problems in buildings and industrial applications. The head office is located in Overijse (Belgium), but the company also has an international presence in ten countries. In July 2020, Laurence Carels took over the CEO torch from her father Patrick. Previously, she was the company’s financial director and was therefore now looking for reinforcement in this area. In addition, she wanted to gain external experience so that the company could further professionalize itself in order to promote growth and internationalization.

De oplossing
Laurence came into contact with Regional Director Dirk Verbruggen via LinkedIn. A second interview with Dirk and candidate CFO Wim Van der Smissen soon followed. A part-time CFO appeared to be the right solution to meet the company’s needs. And Wim turned out to be the perfect candidate to fill that role. Wim started working four days a month as part-time CFO. His main tasks:
• Making a new transfer pricing system operational;
• Supporting the year-end closing and the first quarter closing;
• Setting up IT systems;
• Managing the administrative follow-up of the new branches.

Getallen zijn belangrijk Maar niet die op de winstrekening en balans. We vroegen aan Laurence welk getal echt belangrijk voor hem is.
CDM Stravitec has experienced both highs and lows in recent years. In 2014, the company decided to focus entirely on the construction market and sold its largest division (transport). In 2019, the company achieved a turnover of 13 million euros and in 2020, turnover grew to 16 million euros. The ambition? A turnover of more than 20 million euros. Laurence dreams of even reaching the 30 million mark in a few years. When that happens, CDM Stravitec will once again be at the highest level the consolidated company has ever reached.
Een 'dankjewel' aan mijn CFO
"De eerste weken met onze part-time CFO waren voor mezelf een verademing. Het voelde alsof er een enorme last van mijn schouders was gevallen. Wims internationale ervaring in onze sector zorgde bij de voltallige directie meteen voor veel gemoedsrust. Hij was vanaf dag 2 operationeel en al heel snel 'part of the team'. Ik ben hem enorm dankbaar voor alles wat hij in korte tijd heeft verwezenlijkt." Laurence Carels
Oriënterend gesprek
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