"Le prime settimane con il nostro direttore finanziario sono state, per me, una boccata d'aria fresca. È come se un enorme peso sia stato sollevato dalle mie spalle."
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Laurence Carels, Titolare
Spotlight: CDM Stravitec
Titolare: Laurence Carels
Il problema
CDM Stravitec designs solutions for vibration and noise problems in buildings and industrial applications. The company is headquartered in Overijse, Belgium, but also has an international presence in twelve countries. In July 2020, Laurence Carels took over the role of managing director from her father Patrick. She had previously served as the company’s financial director and was looking for reinforcements in this area. She also wanted to bring in external know-how in order to make the corporate structure even more effective, further expand and internationalize the company.

La soluzione
Laurence contacted Regional Director Dirk Verbruggen via LinkedIn, which was followed by a meeting with Dirk and CFO Wim Van der Smissen. Having a part-time CFO seemed like the right solution to meet the needs of the company and Wim was the perfect candidate for the role. Wim started working four days a month as CFO. His main tasks were:
• operationalising the new transfer pricing system;
• supporting the year-end and first quarter close;
• setting up the IT systems;
• managing the administrative control of the new subsidiaries.

I numeri contano; e non mi riferisco solo agli utili e ai bilanci. Abbiamo chiesto a Laurence qual è il numero che conta davvero per lui.
Over the past few years, CDM Stravitec has experienced ups and downs. In 2014, the company decided to focus entirely on the construction market, which coincided with the sale of the company’s largest division (transport). In 2019, the company achieved a turnover of 13 million euros and in 2020, turnover increased to 16 million euros. Their ambition? A turnover of over 20 million euros… although Laurence dreams of reaching 30 million in a few years. This will be a new record for CDM Stravitec as an established company.
Un "grazie" al mio CFO
"Le prime settimane con il nostro direttore finanziario sono state, per me, una boccata d'aria fresca. È come se un enorme peso sia stato sollevato dalle mie spalle. L'esperienza internazionale di Wim nel nostro settore ha subito conferito tranquillità alla Direzione. Era operativo già dal secondo giorno ed è subito diventato parte del team. Gli sono immensamente grata per tutto quello che ha conseguito nel giro di pochissimo tempo" Laurence Carels
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