"We are now able to plan and make the right decisions with clarity and rigour!"

Book my 30 minute discovery call
Michael Kleinwort - Owner of Kora

Michael Kleinwort, Owner

Spotlight: Kora

The problem

However dedicated Michael may be, there was little commercial and financial knowledge in how to run a business. Four years of books were not closed and audited, multiple warehouses supporting distribution size that was far from economic, lack of dedicated professional talent on online marketing and content creation in the team, and breaking even seemed very far away and investment kept pumping in.

man pulling down a running top over his side, looking to be going running with Kora gear on

The solution

Consolidated warehouses into one distributing to the whole world. Consolidated bookkeeping, audit and tax services into one, and finished all outstanding audit and tax compliance work in 6 months. Advised and helped to build an all-part-time team with specialized talents from different time zones, working through once a week zoom meetings and an online portal.

man with hiking sticks climbing up a mountain with a yellow rucksack on his back
The numbers that realy matter 40%
3 men walking on top of a rocky formation

Numbers matter. But not just profit and balance sheet numbers. We asked Michael what is the number that really matters to him?

Yak wool is 40% warmer than merino wool, according to the test done by independent laboratories. Michael came across the incredible benefits of Yak Wool during a winter trek into a remote corner of the Eastern Himalayas and started an entrepreneurial journey making outdoor apparel for the extremes. His passion is for his social enterprise to bring positive change to the communities that provide the yak wool and make the highest performance products on fair trade principles.

A 'thank you' to my CFO.

"The decision to add Edmond as our part-time CFO was vindicated very quickly. We are now able to plan and make the right decisions with clarity and rigour!"

Discovery Call

Tell us what you really want for your business and life and let’s discuss the plan to actually make it happen.

What do you really want from your business and life?

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