Helen Abbott In 60 Seconds

I have over 30 years’ experience across global blue-chips in financial services, telco, retail, travel and more, and the start-up, exponential growth and management of SME businesses, working as both an MD and FD. I combine financial acumen with a broad base understanding of large teams and budgets, operational, marketing, sales, HR and business development experience.

Specialist Skills

Business Planning

Identifying and articulating Goals and Objectives and creating the blueprints to guide the company's future growth.

Budgeting & Forecasting

A forward thinking approach to ensuring that the budget is a dynamic tool, and reflects the objectives and strategic intent of a business.

Strategic Thinker

Growth v profitability, long term v short term priorities, anticipating market trends and the competition whilst understanding the company's capabilities and growth levers.

Management Information

Detailed analysis from scenario planning to profit margin analysis helps a company to prepare and pivot quickly when necessary by providing insights into potential futures.

Profit Improvement

The efficient management of resources to maximise net income, focusing on cost control, price optimisation and operational efficiency.

Track Record Highlights

  • Turnaround roles, stemming losses and creating solid foundations for renewed growth.
  • Mentoring visionary leaders to focus and strategise for their business.
  • Start up Decks and financials prepared for VC rounds, forecasting and budgetary experience.
  • Maximising both top and Bottom line double digit Growth in one year by introducing targeted sales discounts and granular analysis for the best opportunity to gain full price sales.
  • Managing business case capital investments and approvals and implementing robust budgetary control.
  • Thorough understanding of KPI metrics to enhance an e-commerce business.

Sector Experience

  • Retail & Consumer Products: E-Commerce, particularly in fashion and beauty sectors
  • Technology, Media & Telecoms: Telecoms and SaaS
  • Services Professional Services, mentoring and business coaching

What's next?

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