Charlotte Page In 60 Seconds

My background is predominantly in sales and business growth strategies. I have managed sales teams, dealt with complex negotiations and closed large sales contracts within the clean tech and renewable energy sectors.

Possibly uniquely because of my involvement in the family business, I have also gained experience in rescue bids, management buyouts, restructuring and refinancing companies.

Track Record Highlights

  • Created and implemented sales and customer success processes which increased revenue by 30% in the first 6 months.
  • Lead sales teams through business growth strategies.
  • Closed 4 large contracts in 1 sale (worth £30m over 10 years).
  • Developed and implemented internal process, new branding, marketing and sales plans for tech start ups.
  • Assisted in multiple business restructuring projects.

Sector Experience

  • Engineering
  • Retail & Consumer Products
  • Mining, Resources & Energy: Renewables

What's next?

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