"La disponibilité 24h/24 et 7j/7 de « notre » directeur financier nous apporte une grande tranquillité d'esprit."
Réservez une session de découverte de 60 minutes
Pascal Plovie, Propriétaire
Pleins feux : HVK – Het Vlaamse Kruis ambulance service
Propriétaire: Pascal Plovie
Le problème
HVK is a non-profit organisation with a broad community reach since 1927. The head office is located in Mechelen (Belgium). The association also has around 40 local branches in the Flemish region and the German-speaking community. In addition to the approximately 30 paid employees, the organisation also has more than 2,200 volunteers. They staff the emergency ambulance stations 24 hours a day. Main activities:
• patient transport
• first aid training (individuals and companies)
• first aid prevention services
• volunteering
Pascal Plovie, the CEO, was appointed by the Board in 2017 to professionalise and strategically expand the organisation.

La solution
Pascal Plovie wanted to structure his plans in order to achieve the goals he had set together with the Board of Directors. After an initial meeting between Coen vander Kley and Pascal, Wim
Braeckman was proposed as part-time CFO. Important requirement: knowledge of the financial and legal aspects associated with managing a large non-profit organization. The new CFO started working with the company shortly after the interviews with the Board members and the CEO. Wim worked one day a week as CFO. In the first months, the tasks included
intensive credit management, digitalization of financial processes and the preparation and implementation of management reports based on EMAsphere.

Les chiffres comptent. Mais pas seulement les chiffres qui expriment les bénéfices et le bilan. Nous avons demandé à Pascal quel chiffre comptait vraiment pour lui.
The non-profit organization aims for 0 or break-even. This is the ultimate goal, along with professionalizing the association that has existed for nearly a hundred years. This must go hand in hand with maintaining the resources needed to make ongoing investments in staff, ambulances, ambulance stations, computer systems, etc.
Un "merci" à mon directeur financier
"« Wim a rapidement pu identifier ce qui était nécessaire au niveau de la gestion de la trésorerie ainsi que sur les systèmes et rapports inadéquats. Sur la base de plans de 90 jours, nous avons réalisé des progrès en douceur. Wim est également devenu membre à part entière du conseil. La disponibilité 24h/24 et 7j/7 de « notre » directeur financier nous apporte une grande tranquillité d’esprit. »" Pascal Plovie
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