Colin Brown In 60 Seconds...

A chartered accountant with 10-year experience in CFO roles and a proven track record of success. Passionate about utilizing the wisdom he’s acquired in 30-years of business working with major brands in British Columbia, mentoring founders and leading their teams through turnarounds and growth phases.

Specialist Skills

Strategic Planning

Worked with owners and executive teams to develop strategic plans to improve growth and profitability. Including: improving revenues by 80% over 4 years; reducing expenses by 20% and improving margins by 30%


Helped 3 companies recover from covenant breaches and get out of special credit with their bank.

New Banking Relationships

Developed new banking relationships that better suited needs for growth


Creating budgets from scratch and improving existing budgets to better measure the company and take advantage of opportunities

Building Teams

Building and developing finance teams through mentoring, coaching and measuring

Track Record Highlights

  • Grew top line revenue 80% in 4-years through improved access to cash in order to finance inventory required for growth.
  • 2x EBITDA (company value) in 3-years by analyzing and finding opportunities in all components, including shutting down an unprofitable segment of a business that was a distraction from optimizing the profitable segment.
  • Improved gross margins 30% in 4-years through margin analysis that showed which products to concentrate on and which ones needed to be discontinued. This also showed where price adjustments were required to maximise the value proposition.
  • Worked with owners and executive teams to develop strategic plans to improve growth and profitability. Including: improving revenues by 80% over 4 years; reducing expenses by 20% and improving margins by 30%
  • Helped 3 companies get out of special credit with their bank by improving cash flow through increased margins, expense management and working capital improvements.

Sector Experience

  • Manufacturing
  • Apparel
  • Wholesale
  • eCommerce
  • Retail
  • Finance SaaS Credit Union

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